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Bemuse Wild Raspberry Mede Mead blik alcoholvrij honingdrank honing

Wild Raspberry from Bemuse has a light and refreshing taste. This Raspberry Mead has orange blossom honey as a base and therefore has a very light citrus scent. Combined with raspberries you get a sparkling drink with a hint of sweetness. All Bemuses are gluten-free and low in calories.

Bemuse - Wild Raspberry (Mead)

Only 6 left in stock
  • More info

    Bemused specializes in non-alcoholic mead. They now have 4 varieties on the market and all four are very tasty. Mead is a type of drink in which water, honey and yeast are the basic ingredients. This drink has an ancient history but originates from Asia. In many mythological stories it plays a role as a potion of the gods. 

  • Properties

    raspberry honey thin

    • 0.5% ABV
    • 12 kCal/100ml
    • Great Britain 🇬🇧
  • More Sodas and Seltzers?

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